Thanks to Google, there’s rarely a question I have that I can’t find the answer to.

How many times can Rhode Island fit into Texas?
221 times

Is there a shoe that looks like a cheeseburger?
Yes, of course there is.

Did William Taft really get stuck in the bathtub?
Apparently, no.

But sometimes I have the occasional question that creeps up in my mind that doesn’t have an easy Google-able answer.

It’s not because it’s a tough question to answer like, what’s the meaning of life? Was that red-headed actress in that one movie Bryce Dallas Howard or Jessica Chastain? Should I dye my hair that hip grey color or is that no longer in?

It’s because the question isn’t asked enough for the answer to appear at the top of Google searches.

So I decided to make this blog dedicated to me finding the answer to peculiar questions I have that have no useful search results. And if my Search Engine Optimization is good enough to make these questions easily Googlable for the next person to wake up at 3 AM and think to themselves: